Cancellation policy: There are no refunds or name changes for purchased tickets. - If you cannot attend for whatever reason and you message us *before* the event starts then you can use your ticket next year. - If we cannot hold the event for whatever reason then your ticket will be valid the next year.
Tickets are selling faster than in past years - buy now to secure your place!

Speaker Profile: 

Marcel Wijermars

Attract Clients with Fun Micro Events

- The four pillars you need to have in place for a reliably profitable business. - How to craft premium offers that you’ll sell with ease. - How to reduce ups and downs in your business, to achieve consistent monthly sales, revenue, and profit.

Short Bio:

Marcel Wijermars, former tech founder, now leads the Amsterdam Founders Community, 'No More Networking'. In addition, he supports solopreneurs to achieve consistent €10K+ months by integrating in-person Micro Events into their existing business.

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Please note that our speaker program is subject to change. The above speaker has confirmed their participation however Bansko Nomad Fest makes no warranty about their attendance or content!