As digital nomads we make a lot of decisions on a daily basis. Where to go next? Where to stay? How long do I want to stay here? Where to work? We learned that we need to make logical mental decisions. But our body might have a say in our decision making as well if we want to maintain our health. So how do you learn to listen to your body in your decision making process? And how can the personal development tool Human Design help you in a practical way to combat decision fatigue? In this keynote you will get the step by step approach so you can start experimenting with this technique in your own personal travel life.
Astrid Heystee, a Business & Human Design Coach, started her location-independent journey 6 years ago and learned the hard way that you need to listen to your body if you want to maintain your health and your freedom. With her Human Design embodiment workshops, coaching programs, and her podcast 'Travel & Work with Human Design,' she empowers fellow nomads with a practical approach that intertwines self love & self care, health, mindset, inner work and business strategy in the creation of a stress-free digital nomad lifestyle.